Previously in HR1..
N to T; "I'm supposed to have made a cake for the playgroup stall by tomorrow. I forgot and now I'm working tomorrow, do you think you could make one?"
The following takes place between 10am and 12pm..
Easy money, cakes made in double quick time. Off to town to meet Al and then a few minutes when I get back is all I'll need to finish off the icing. Saunter back in from town, lets check out the icing recipe...and then Delia drops the bomb...
Two hours, Delia? Two fricking hours chilling? Five minutes in the freezer is all you're getting out of me.
Five minutes to go, time to chop some muthafreakin cherries..
1 minute to go...time to put it all together...
Hmmm, that icing doesn't quite look sufficiently chilled, eh? It'll have to do...
Cake made. World saved.