Friday, 26 April 2013

while waiting for jolly to pick up the keys to his new house so we can move his stuff in, the big man and i repair to the volley for some refreshment.

'can't you see, a giant walks among you seeing through your petty lives'

A weekend with friends. a cameo from the big man. some laughs, drinks and board game leisure...but best of all..

....we went round to Kenny's place (Diegos, near the old bridge). It was just at their closing time. 

Me- 'Hey Kenny, any chance of a quick coffee?'

Kenny - 'no problem'

Me - 'Hey visiting friends from Oxford, shall we sit out in the sun?'

Them - 'sure'

[cue Kenny and staff member dashing out ahead of us to produce table and chairs and set them up in sunniest spot outside, like something out of goodfellas when the club owner magically makes a table appear right by the stage].

that was damned decent of you Kenny, thank you.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

there's a good book about a mole right at the top of the's been there for years....

I really enjoyed this. Great paranoid thriller story. Stiff upper lip bygone ages, gentleman spies, lamplighters et al.

Not an ounce of fat on its bones. Doesn't explain anything and uses terms and bits of plot in a way that assumes you know what it means and if you don't then it credits you with the brain to pick it up as you go along. Highly recommended.

And, as someone who fetishises tasty packaging, i found the cover design and use of materials for the cover very fap. Take that, kindle and others of your stamp.

And the film wasn't too shabby either.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

the april 'classic'

Gave; 'Based on a True Story' by Fat Freddy's Drop.
Received; 'Homework' by Daft Punk.

Dance music. Not my area of expertise. My previous experience of dance music cds has been fairly mixed. I've occasionally gone for a couple of things that have been 'rated' by magazines i trust only to be disappointed (hello, 'caribou'). I see dance music as music to dance to, or more accurately as music to nod   my head to knowingly while nursing a paper cup of beer at music festivals. I don't know much about it, but i can get the appeal when it comes to throwing a few shapes.

Daft Punk are a band I've heard a bit about and a band that I know are very well thought of. I have given this a few spins in the cassa della le tissier. Good to dance to. In fact if you had been happening to pass by our kitchen window in the middle of last week you would have seen all four of us pogoing around and 'a movin and a groovin'. What an odd sight it would have been if you'd seen it.

So, as music to dance to...thumbs up.

As an album to listen to and concentrate on..not quite so keen, i must admit. When it comes to electronic/dance music i like stuff that 'swells and builds' and i found this to be a little vanilla. Great to move to, not so great to concentrate on and sit down to think about. A little, just a little, bit 'dave pearce dance anthems' for my taste. 

Marks out of ten?

7, for the letissier clan 'moment' it gave us.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

spontaneous decision during breakfast. go for a spin over the gospel pass..

We went via Pontrilas.

It was a bit slippery.

We found some abandoned cars.

We found some icicles.

We had a picnic with hot chocolate from the thermos.

We listened to eels cds in the car.

We came back via Hay.

-1 degrees on the top, +8 degrees in Hay.

Family times.