Tuesday, 30 August 2011

One more Green Man thing..

I meant to put this in an earlier post. We were camping next to [and no doubt our kids were disturbing the sleep of] a friendly chap called Ben. He was at the festival as a proper badged up member of the press and was there to take photos of the bands. It was interesting to hear his tales of his time in that little gully between the band and the mosh pit. Well, maybe not 'mosh' at Green Man. 

He has his own blog. And website. And has put some of his photos up on this other site. The Guardian used one of his shots on their review of the festival. How cool is that? (answer = very)

For the many millions of people who visit my blog (Hello Al, Hello Gav) I recommend you check out his site. There was a really good one of the bloke from Iron and Wine with some streaky lights behind him, but I can't seem to find that one.

Nice to meet you, Ben.

[ah, I think i may have found the Iron and Wine one here.]

More from 'the Yat'.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Goodbye Green Man, maybe see you again some time?

Okay, I think I have blogged the Green Man to death. Here is one last photo from my phone. It was taken just before we got in the car and headed home. I've got to say that going to a festival with 2 + 6 year old children is not without its stress, but overall we really enjoyed our time. Good tunes, good weather, good food, good camping neighbours. And only an hour from main stage to our front door. Have I already mentioned that? Hee hee [fist bumps].

Green Man Festival 2011 continued...

Green Man Festival 2011 - The Josh T Pearson day

Saturday was an odd day all round. Saw on the programme that there was a 'MOJO' magazine interview going on at the Literature tent. Thought I'd check it out and see who they were talking to. 'Oh, okay, its that country americana lament fella Josh T Pearson'. Funny interview. Interesting sounding bloke. A few fawning folks walked over to chat to him afterwards. Anyway, so far, so not at all odd. But I KEPT BUMPING INTO HIM and SEEING HIM EVERYWHERE around the festival site. And then. about 1am. Fleet Foxes' set just coming to an end on the main stage and who should be standing next to me? Josh T Freakin Pearson. And he was asking this other fella near me what he made of Fleet Foxes and was taking one of those 'hold the camera at arms length self portrait' shots of himself with the main stage in the background. If I had been a fan of his then I would have been truly made up. But I'm not. It was just odd that i KEPT SEEING HIM EVERYWHERE. If I now see him in Hereford Costas I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STOP MYSELF FROM WRITING MORE BLOGS IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

This is still amusing...

Still funny..

Green Man Festival 2011- Helen Arney on the Solar Stage

On the Saturday of the Green Man we had a look at the Einstein's Garden area. We came across this stage which was a spoken word/comedy poetry type thing with a general science theme (i think, although I never saw that written down or said, perhaps the lightbulbs led me down that route). Anyway. Its a brave man who gets up and reads his own comic verse to 10 disinterested and rained-on punters. He may have been brave but it didn't mean his poetry was all that special and I shuffled off while [can't remember his name] was finishing his set to pick up some perry. I came back to find N chortling away to this lady who was doing stand up comedy songs with a ukulele. I was soon chuckling too, and the field suddenly filled up as her set went on. There was also a great improvised tune by some other uke players about an A-Z of trees. A good festival find. This is her website.   

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Green Man Festival 2011 - further photographic dispatches... [now wishing I'd taken the DSLR]

Green Man Festival 2011- The awards for best food and drink go to....

This was a pint of 'Blush' cider from the Courtyard Bar. All the bars had different drinks so there was a wide variety sampled over the weekend. Read the blurb on Aspall's website. 'Superb...for a balmy summer evening'? Damn straight. [Coming a close second was a pint of perry also from the same bar but it lost out on account of it having an iffy look to it]

This was just the best. Watching Laura Marling (not to everyone's tastes I know) while tucking into this. Then back to Hereford (from main stage to back door in just over 1 hour- wooo ha!). Falls very much into the Urban Pie genre of pie. Epic. And the bloke serving at the stall couldn't have been friendlier despite having a massive queue of people to serve. Cheers Pie Minister. 

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Panorama Stitch of Eng vs Ind Test Match at Edgbaston 11/8/11

Does anyone know how to make the floodlight marry up properly? (the second one from the right's stand is a bit cock eyed). Photoshop or something maybe?

Great batting display today by England. Lovely weather, good atmosphere, seamless public transport, no rioting in the city centre. It's all good.