Saturday was an odd day all round. Saw on the programme that there was a 'MOJO' magazine interview going on at the Literature tent. Thought I'd check it out and see who they were talking to. 'Oh, okay, its that country americana lament fella Josh T Pearson'. Funny interview. Interesting sounding bloke. A few fawning folks walked over to chat to him afterwards. Anyway, so far, so not at all odd. But I KEPT BUMPING INTO HIM and SEEING HIM EVERYWHERE around the festival site. And then. about 1am. Fleet Foxes' set just coming to an end on the main stage and who should be standing next to me? Josh T Freakin Pearson. And he was asking this other fella near me what he made of Fleet Foxes and was taking one of those 'hold the camera at arms length self portrait' shots of himself with the main stage in the background. If I had been a fan of his then I would have been truly made up. But I'm not. It was just odd that i KEPT SEEING HIM EVERYWHERE. If I now see him in Hereford Costas I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STOP MYSELF FROM WRITING MORE BLOGS IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
The Green Man with only a single plaid shirt in the crowd? Shirley some mistake?