Friday, 31 August 2012


On our first full day in Verona we decided to get a train to Venice (of course).

This was where we went for our homeymoon 9 years ago.

And here are some photos.

So a quick word by way of explanation/excuse. It was really sunny that day, actually the whole time we were in Italy it was sunny. 40 degrees most days. So all the photos from the trip are mobile phone photos taken without being able to see the screen. So wonky horizons etc? That is why.

Venice. Rammed full of folk in all the usual places. But walk five minutes towards Giardini and its like the last photo above. Another tip to avoid the crowds if you want to check out a bit of Venice; go out after 8pm, wander without a map and see where you end up. Pick the bar where people are speaking loudly, its the one the locals go to and will be good. Get a week/3 day waterbus ticket, it's way way cheaper than getting individual tickets. But remember to stamp the ticket in one of the machines on the day you start using it. If you can find it, try and get to a bar called, i think, bar buffo (or it might be bucco). We went there on our honeymoon and it was ace. Can't find it on google though. The locals just lobbed their wine glasses in the canal when they finished rather than return their empties to the bar. And they spoke loudly. 

Trust me on the speaking loudly. You can hear good bars in Italy.

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