Friday, 7 December 2012

delayed remembrance

I meant to write something about this at the time but I've only just gotten around to putting finger to keyboard.

Have a tune to listen to..

Remembrance day. I was listening to someone talking about the world wars, and the statistics about the people who died and how it changed people's lives. And it made me think, in a way that i don't remember having previously done, about my two grandfathers and the choices they made and the experiences they had.

One was an army nurse (ha, like grandfather like grandson eh) who went over as part of d-day in the medical corps. He was one of the first people into one of the concentration camps at the end of the war, an experience that stayed with him and changed his outlook on life.

The other was over in Burma.

Neither of them professional soldiers. One a painter/decorator the other a travel agent. One spoke all the time about his experiences and his army days. The other never uttered a word about them.

Neither had to join up to fight. Would I have stepped forward? Would you? Would I leave the life I have now to do all that?

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to them, in a cyberbloggersuperhighway kind of way that will hopefully echo around on some digital vault long after i've shuffled off. Both of them no longer around but..

John Page
Stan Saunders

Cheers gents.

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