Thursday, 13 February 2014

general account of recent occurrences.

Birmingham for Foals, then. A couple of days away from soggy Hereford in... soggy Birmingham.

A little bit of purchasing in the bullring. My collection of social worker jumpers is coming on a treat thanks to some trigger pulling.

Noodles and flowering jasmine tea in wagamamas. An actual jasmine flower in yer actual cup o hot water. Regardez..

And then back to the hotel for wine and some pre-gig tunes on the dinky little speaker that prycer set me up with a few years back. Then the short walk round to the academy. We braved the underpass, getyerspareticketsBUYORSELL.
Only caught the end of 'That Fucking Tank', not too bad a band but with that name they won't be troubling the schedules of 6music for a while. Then the main support band, Cage The Elephant. Again, dodgy name, but what a performance. Support bands can often either be too arch and experimental or have a not-really-bothered attitude. This band came on and just gave it the full blast and got the crowd really going. Jumping, diving. Singer disappearing into the crowd. Nervous roady trying to retrieve the microphone lead.
Okay, so the music wasn't original but as a gig it was great to see. Here's one of their tunes..

And then the Foals, who were good too. But by that stage i was a little 'refreshed' and wasn't concentrating quite so much. Good atmosphere. Good gig. I may have been a little the worse for wear by the end. Apologies to all who may have received communiques sent during the evening. 

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