Tuesday 6 May 2014

this month's rough trade cd MAY

Here's the package..

And a closer look at same..

As if to prove that I'm not liking every cd they send just because it's from a cool record shop... a slight mis-step after last month's high water mark. This is 'Fair Warning' by The Rails. or THE RAILS as they seem to want to be called.

I'm open to a bit of folk from time to time but this is very 'trad'. Perhaps sailing a bit too close to the trad winds for my taste but most of it makes perfectly fine background listening. It's had some very positive press write-ups and I'd say they are very good at harmonising. They're playing Green Man so I may well have a look at them, pint o' cider in hand in August. It must be said though, one of the tunes on the bonus EP nearly saw me rip the cd out of the machine and beat it to shards on the kitchen floor. And music doesn't often make me want to do that, but the lyrics on this occasion were particularly poor.

I'm going to say..5/10. Still loving this monthly cd thing as a present though. Roll on June. I'm genuinely bang up for the monthly jiffy bag delivery. Cheers again A and G.

some people, earlier today.